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Artistic Licence Appoints Controllux as Distributor in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

Having enjoyed a friendly business relationship for years, Artistic Licence and Controllux are delighted to announce a formal distribution agreement for The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

Founded in 1968, Controllux is a leading name in the distribution of professional lighting equipment. With many experienced staff, the company provides comprehensive supply and support for respected brands in the theatrical, broadcast & film, entertainment, and architectural markets.

Artistic Licence CEO Wayne Howell comments, "Our broad range of lighting control and infrastructure products will nicely reinforce the Controllux emphasis on solutions. Both companies have been trading for many decades and bring customers the reassurance of experience, quality, and reliability. Artistic Licence designs and manufactures all its own products in the UK -- something that we are very proud of -- and I think many people will be surprised at just how competitive our pricing is across our latest DMX512/RDM, Art-Net/sACN and DALI ranges."

Lex Oudshoorn of Controllux adds: "Our broad network encompasses many different fields of specialism, and we are always looking for brands that will add extra value for our customers. We are delighted to be the official distributor of the Artistic Licence range in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

Artistic Licence is a well-known A-league UK manufacturer and will amplify our product portfolio with a complete range of DALI, sACN and, of course, DMX512 hardware devices.

More and more, we are seeing a shift from box-moving to turnkey projects. The Artistic Licence range will ensure we have a wide variety of control options available for our customers."


(28 May 2020)

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