Dimatec Makes Major Investment in Philips Selecon LED LuminairesThe French distribution company Dimatec has made a substantial investment in a range of Philips Selecon LED luminaires. Dimatec, which distributes and imports lighting equipment brands to service film, television, events, and architectural applications, has purchased a considerable palette of luminaires from the Philips Selecon PL range and Studio Panel LED luminaires. Olivier Bordini of Dimatec says the company made the investment in order to "stay ahead of the game as LED lighting technology progresses." The company says Dimatec is known to many of France's most respected and recognized cinematographers and distinguishes itself at the forefront of both art and technology through its work on both French and international productions. Bordini praised the Philips Entertainment Group for developing the Philips Selecon brand over the last decade into a renowned specialist for live performance lighting technology, and says that he is particularly impressed that "Selecon can build 100% of its products in-house." The Philips Selecon models currently in stock at Dimatec include: the Philips Selecon PLCYC1 LED Luminaire, the Philips Selecon PLFRESNEL-1 LED, and the Philips Selecon Studio Panel LED Luminaire. "The PLCYC1 LED delivers a smooth even beam that seamlessly blends intense washes of color on cycloramas up to five-meters high," comments Bordini. "They use LED source technology combined with a properly shaped asymmetrical reflector to deliver consistent light distribution. In addition performance does not have to be compromised with vertical or horizontal spreader lenses." Equally, the Philips Selecon PLFRESNEL-1 provides a breakthrough in display lighting. It is the first light source that delivers full control of the beam color composition regardless of intensity, the company says. Bob Roos, Philips Entertainment key account manager for Scandinavia, Benelux, France, Spain, and Portugal says: "The PLFRESNEL-1 LED is proving itself to lighting directors and designers as a lighting instrument that extends the creative possibilities with light while significantly reducing the impact of our activities on the environment." Finally Dimatec has also invested in the Philips Selecon Studio Panel, a compact lightweight LED luminaire designed for both studio and location use. "Units feature tunable white color temperature control from 3,000K to 6,000K," explains Bordini. "This makes it ideal for a wide range of lighting applications. Requiring just 50W, the unit will operate on AC or DC voltage. The battery power input is designed to allow location operation using industry standard batteries, while a range of holographic diffusers provide beam angle control with minimal light loss is also available." Roos concludes: "Philips Selecon PL and LED range of luminaires is increasingly finding themselves in the rigs and on the riders for film and television productions. Their compact size, relatively high output, excellent and reliable color rendering make them ideal and very flexible tools for the busy lighting director. Not only that they are intuitive to use, easy to program and simple to maintain. We are delighted to see Dimatec make such a substantial investment in Selecon." 