Alcons LR7 Delivering in the Live Music Capital of the WorldWith high quality audio systems a feature of many homes and cars, the pressure has never been greater for sound rental companies to match that quality in the live environment. Delivering it can be a challenge, especially in small to medium-sized venues, but the Alcons LR7 micro line array makes it totally achievable. is one of the latest companies to enjoy the system's benefits. Based in Austin, Texas, StageTech services a wide range of productions, from live music and theatre to corporate seminars and presentations. Company CEO Bill Mester has been a long-time fan of Alcons pro-ribbon technology and, when Alcons opened its US operation, he knew that it would be an opportunity to bring the benefits of the company's systems to his clients. "I have always had a keen interest in providing clients with the best-sounding systems available," he says. "I have loved the pro-ribbon technology from the beginning and was anxious to invest in it. This became a realistic option when Alcons US was set up and, when I looked at the systems, the LR7 was obviously the one which would best suit my diverse client base." StageTech invested in a system comprising six LR7/90 micro line array modules, two LR7B double-tuned, concentric bandpass bass modules and a Sentinel10 Amplified Loudspeaker Controller, plus cases and flying hardware. "For a physically small system, you get incredible SPL and clarity," says Mester. "It's a great system for music, theatre, and corporate events because, as well as the excellent power, audio quality and coverage, it's incredibly flexible. It can be flown, ground stacked or stand-mounted and its low profile means that you get very clean sightlines." Austin's official motto is "The Live Music Capital of the World," with the LR7 system seeing plenty of use at the city's many live shows. But its compact size is particularly useful for corporate events, many of which take place in Austin's smaller ballrooms. "There are always sightline concerns for the lighting and video elements in the corporate market. People really don't want to see the audio system," says Mester. "LR7 is perfect because it can cope with the constraints on space, but people are always amazed at the levels and quality we get from it." He continues, "With these events, as well as with theatre, you have a lot of lavalier microphones. The LR7 system copes brilliantly, someone with any kind of mic can stand right next to it. Feedback is a pretty much non-existent issue." "It's light, manageable, quick to rig, and it sounds great straight out of the box, while the DSP built into the Sentinel10 takes all the guesswork out of tuning it. It all helps with setting up quickly at events where we are often very short of time." 