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ALIA Is Relaunched as ALIA!

For twenty years ALIA has been an invaluable resource for the lighting community in Australia.

Starting as a simple website, www.alia.com.au/, it has continued to grow with daily updates on gear, people, projects, productions, business news -- basically anything to do with lighting.

The ALIA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AustralasianLighting/ is a popular go-to for many techs in the industry.

Earlier this year ALIA rallied lighting manufacturers to donate gear to their Fireaid Appeal which raised $61,000 through an online auction.

Just last month, ALIA organised #lightunite to draw attention to those fighting the battle against COVID-19 and also the production industry that has been decimated. The project reached national news stations and helped to lift spirits of those involved.

Over the years, the alliance has often been asked why ALIA only caters to the lighting side of production and so today, at the risk of infuriating lighting purists, ALIA will be doing just that.

Welcome to the new united ALIA: Australasian Live Industry Alliance.

The format is still the same, as are the categories, but the focus will be more on the people of this great industry and so organizers will be relying on industry input.

Since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, the alliance has implemented My Gig, whereby the industry can send in info on any gig they have done in the past 12 months, and also Lockdown where they can share their experiences.

Have any ideas on how to make ALIA more useful to the industry? Please email cat@alia.com.au.


(18 May 2020)

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