Lycian Stage Lighting Unveils New WebsiteLycian Stage Lighting has gone live with its new website. The website is markedly improved compared to its predecessor. Features include a home page from which all the site's information is accessible. The home page allows for specific products to be featured. From there, other pages are accessed via buttons. Pages include products with descriptions, features, and suggested throws presented in a graphic easy to read at a glance format. Other improvements include access to pdf spec sheets; bid specs and parts and operations manuals; an up to date, comprehensive distributor list; event calendar; written warranty policy; and company president, Richard Logothetis' interesting take on photometrics. "Admittedly, the website needed an update. Our goal was to make it attractive, easy to navigate, and informative. We've achieved that." said Steve Lerman, director of sales and marketing. "As we reinforce our standing as a leading manufacturer of followspots and increase our presence internationally, we have to offer access to distributors, consultants, and end-users in a package that can be easily navigated," Lerman concludes. >