Leprecon Receives Neutrik 2013 premierPARTNER AwardLeprecon LLC, a provider of theatrical lighting consoles, power distribution, and dimming systems, announces that Leprecon has received the "Neutrik 2013 premierPARTNER Award" for their new Watson Power Management products. The premierPARTNER Awards recognize ten select companies that have developed an innovative product that incorporates Neutrik-brand connectors and meets the highest level of innovation for their segment of the industry. The Neutrik premierPARTNER Awards program is said to be extremely selective. As Neutrik connectivity products are engineered for professional users, the company says only the most high-end and innovative solutions are eligible for the award, which is presented to less than 1% of the company's USA customer base. The company notes the use of Neutrik connectors demonstrates to a potential customer that quality matters. Don Stauffer, Leprecon engineering manager and designer of Watson Power Management products commented, "I'm very pleased that Leprecon has been recognized with this partnership award. We've used Neutrik products exclusively for many years; the quality of their components is a natural fit with Leprecon products. When developing Watson switching products, Neutrik power and data connectors were my first choice for this new design." Watson Power Management is a new solution for delivering AC power and DMX data to electronic fixtures such as LED's and moving lights. Watson uses one DMX control channel or by simply monitoring DMX data, turns fixtures off when they are not in use; saving power, extending fixture life, and isolating expensive electronics from power-line glitches.