pixl evolution and audio evolution Supply TRO for Mini and BMW at Goodwood Festival of Speed The Goodwood Festival of Speed takes place in the grounds of Goodwood house in Sussex and brings together every aspect of the past, present, and future of the automotive industry. As the name suggests, the event gives around 150,000 visitors the chance to get close up to Formula 1 cars, enjoy immersive technology experiences, witness the legendary hill climbs, stunt displays and discover the very latest models being brought to market by the world's leading motor manufacturers. In every respect The Festival of Speed is the British motor show and the makers' display stands reflect its importance to the industry. The Sunday Times "Driving" website described the effort poured into the construction of the stands as no less than "mind-boggling." Two eye-catching stands at the 2019 show which took place in early July, were those of iconic brands Mini and BMW, who both worked with marketing agency TRO to realize their visions. Video provision was an essential promotional part of both stand-designs and TRO contacted Hertfordshire-based specialists pixl evolution to deliver solutions. Recently-launched sister company audio evolution was brought in to supply sound systems for both areas. Paul Wood acted as pixl evolution's project manager for the week-long build and four day show, with Peter Russell managing events on behalf of audio evolution. High value aesthetics were the order of the day and it was essential that all provision was delivered with close attention to a quality "finish." Content was screened throughout the show by both manufacturers. On the BMW stand, pixl supplied a 2.5m x 1.5m 3.9mm resolution outdoor LED screen, while at the Mini stand, which took the form of a film-set style street frontage, a 5m x 2.5m 3.9mm resolution outdoor LED was mounted on the roof of the Mini Electric building. In addition to this, one 85" LCD screen and one 48" touchscreen were supplied at ground level to show content specific to the different facets of the Mini story on display. To complement the strong nostalgic recreation of Mini history, in particular the development of the marque's electric car, pixl supplied two 1960s/1970s retro TV screens to complete the install. The audio provision on the Mini stand comprised indoor and outdoor distributed playback from a DJ-booth housed within one of the "shop" units, deploying a versatile combination of d&b audiotechnik T10, E12-SUBS, and EM acoustics EMS-51 loudspeakers. In the M-Town area of the BMW stand, two separate d&b systems were used to accommodate playback across the stand (T10, E8, E6, and Y-SUB) and "Pro-Driver Q&A" sessions (Y10P). The latter system was supplemented by Shure Axient Digital radio microphones. In the BMW Boulevard area, where a "catwalk? style event took place, highlighting the different cars on show, d&b Y12 line array was used in combination with a distributed system of Y10P, E6, and E12-SUBS. This catered for both background music from a DJ and presenters equipped with Shure Axient Digital radio microphones. QLab was used for playback. The Goodwood Festival of Speed demonstrated once again that it constitutes the most important gathering of motoring and motorsport enthusiasts in Europe and both pixl evolution and audio evolution were pleased to have played significant parts in supporting TRO in its delivery of two high-profile stands. Director, Guy Vellacott reflects on another successful event: "High quality video is an absolute essential for a show like this and we have the expertise and versatility to cater for the most demanding client-requirements. In this case, placing a screen on the roof of a temporary building presented the greatest challenge but was achieved by Paul and his team with the minimum of fuss. The creation of audio evolution has delivered immediate results by enabling us to streamline on-site logistics and work hand in glove to optimize bespoke solutions for our clients. Peter's team at Goodwood successfully achieved maximum coverage, both in terms of audio playback for the screens and the independent presentations. The event ran very smoothly, to the great satisfaction of our client." For more information on pixl evolution please call +44 (0)203 432 2311, email info@pixl.live, or visit the URL below. For more information on audio evolution please call +44 (0)203 432 2311, email info@audio.live, or visit the URL below. 