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NATEAC 2016 Announces Stage Technologies as Platinum Sponsor

Bill Sapsis, director of the North American Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference (NATEAC), announces that Stage Technologies is once again the first platinum sponsor for NATEAC 2016. "Stage Technologies' continued and generous support of NATEAC is greatly appreciated," said Sapsis. "Stage Technologies clearly understands NATEAC's mission and the need to further the dialog that began in 2008 and continued in 2012."

"Conferences like NATEAC rely on the support of the industry for their success. Stage Technologies is a leader in entertainment automation and their support will help provide the caliber of speakers and panels that have come to be expected at NATEAC," he added.

The mission of NATEAC is to promote communication between architects, engineers, consultants, and manufacturers responsible for designing and building new theatres and renovating existing facilities in North America. NATEAC also promotes a higher level of interaction between these professionals and the end users of their facilities.

In 2012, NATEAC attracted over 280 industry professionals, venue owners, and end users from 10 countries. The conference was well received and offered a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences between all of the interested parties. Networking was also an important and enjoyable aspect of the conference, which in addition to the panel sessions, hosted the traditional harbor cruise and a post conference dinner at the iconic Sardi's Restaurant.


(10 November 2015)

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