Frost Productions and 4Wall DC Light the Conservatory at MGM National HarborMGM National Harbor opened its doors to the public December 8, 2016. Frost Productions was tasked with creating the lighting design for a signature amenity of the MGM National Harbor, a 15,000-sq.-ft. conservatory that greets guests upon arrival. 4Wall DC collaborated with Frost Productions, providing and installing all the luminaires utilized for the project. Ed Libby & Company Events was commissioned by MGM to provide an artistic touch at the resort with a series of seasonal displays through 2017. Libby relied on Frost Productions to provide a lighting design suited for his sculptures. The goals of the lighting design were to have a wash of light cover the stunning 85'-tall glass-topped atrium. This included lighting each pool where the flowers and décor trees are located. "Ed Libby provided us with layouts that were imported into VectorWorks," said Frost Productions project manager Niklas Andersson. "From there I could calculate the placement, angles, and distances needed to select the right fixtures." The Conservatory's glass atrium had to be factored in when selecting each fixture.v"In order to compete with daylight and having the rig suspended at 80', it was necessary to install fixtures with enough output," explained Andersson. Martin by Harman MAC Viper Performance and MAC Viper Wash DX fixtures were up to the task. 4Wall mounted them to the ceiling. "The Viper Performances are mainly being utilized for gobo textures and some slow movement to add a life to the space," said Andersson. "The Wash DX's are there to give an overall base color to both the sculptures and to provide a floor wash." Martin RUSH MH 7 Hybrids also lit the décor and pools. 4Wall installed these fixtures on the balcony wall within custom alcoves. "The Rush is a small but powerful fixture that delivers the punch needed to stand out in competing with the Vipers," he explained. 4Wall also installed 40 Elation Professional Arena Par Zoom luminaires utilized to wash the ceiling. "The sole purpose of the Elation Pars is to provide a ceiling wash to create a sky-like atmosphere in the space," explained Andersson. "It was a pleasure to work with 4Wall, both on-site and in the pre-production phase," said Andersson. "Together, we made it happen!" The Conservatory at MGM National Harbor is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is complimentary to the public. 