Spotrack Release Evolution V4Evolution V4 is the latest "humancentric" followspot control platform from the Irish manufacturer Spotrack. The company says its solutions provide safe and comfortable alternatives to high, hot, and dangerous technician/operator workplaces. Evolution V4 adds new ADA (US), EEOC (US), OSHA (US), and EAA (EU) access, safety, and employment compliance tools. In addition to the company's next-generation V4 software, the platform offers an NDI- and NDI HX-optimized video pipeline, three 3D articulation with fluid-dampened motion, and programmable OLED buttons on the operator handlebar. With Green-GO-compatible communication over an Ethernet lighting network, you can manage comms from the Evolution V4 touch screen. The operator headset plugs in directly; belt packs, wall warts, and cable aren't needed. It agnostically connects with third-party house comms solutions, and is AFIL induction hearing loop compatible. Also, a console cue list prompts followspot operators via on-screen messaging, improving cue execution accuracy. This assists hearing-impaired and neurodivergent operators. The company adds that the product, which is now shipping, will be on display at LDI in ETC's booth (#2359).