Shure Designer System Configuration Software for Microflex Advance Now AvailableShure announces that its Designer System Configuration Software is now available for download. Originally revealed at InfoComm 2017 in Orlando, the desktop application was developed for integrators and system designers to better visualize and implement installations using multiple MXA910 ceiling array microphones. Leveraging the software, users can create system configurations without being connected to the MXA910 units, and then import coverage settings to the hardware onsite with relative ease. "Before we had access to Designer, Project A actually took two hours of design effort, two hours of transition going back to pre/post-sale just replicating the MXA910 GUI and data entries, then an additional four hours of field commissioning to configure, tune, and finalize the audio system," said Marek Walaszkowski, technical operations supervisor, CTS-D, CTS-I at Diversified. "After Designer, the same Project A took a total of one hour of design, zero hours of transition, and two hours of field commissioning, since every task took place inside the Designer configuration software." The Designer Software provides a convenient way to organize MXA installations for multiple clients, buildings, and rooms. The software enables integrators to design systems offline, reducing configuration time onsite and letting integrators work more efficiently with customers. This software empowers designers to arrange multiple virtual MXA910s on top of an imported image such as a room layout diagram. From here, the pickup lobes and other MXA910 settings can be configured and saved on the user's computer, without being connected to any MXA910 hardware. Completed, these settings can be exported as device preset files, which are then imported into each MXA910 onsite. "Adoption of MXA910 has been swift thanks to its advanced features and the great support of consultants, integrators, and our other partners who have added microphone configuration as a step in their total installation workflow," said Chad Wiggins, senior director of networked systems at Shure. "One of the challenges our partners regularly face is configuring multiple MXA910s for the best coverage of one room, or quickly replicating a single MXA910 configuration in dozens of rooms. We're encouraged by the positive feedback from our Designer beta test community, and we're proud to offer this software to any integrator currently working with our MXA units to help streamline their operations, create better results, and increase profitability." The Designer Software can be downloaded on any computer running Windows 7 and above. It is available at 