Electro-Voice Loudspeakers Solve Audio Challenges at Leicester City Football Club Just as Leicester City Football Club's historic 2015 - 2016 Premier League win transformed the 111-year old club's fortunes, the quality of presentations at the King Power Stadium has been similarly revolutionized by a new Electro-Voice sound system installation. The big task for Birmingham, UK-based installer DMX Productions was to achieve uniform coverage of the challenging shape of Walkers Hall, which is used for presentations and conferences. The clear solution was Electro-Voice's EVC-1122-VI loudspeaker with its unique variable-intensity configuration that evenly covers a clearly defined rectangular area. "The variable-intensity technology gave us exactly the right amount of gain shading to cope with the change in room height, and the uniform coverage that we set out to achieve," DMX Productions' SJ Grevett explains. Eight white EVC-1122-VI cabinets form the main solution, mounted near the ceiling of the 3.9m-high void space. These are supplemented by 16 Electro-Voice EVID 6.2 wall-mounted loudspeakers. The high loudspeaker count further contributes to even coverage at moderate sound levels, yet ensures plenty of headroom when needed. "SPL measurements confirmed that coverage is really even, with only 2dB to 3dB difference in level anywhere in the room," Grevett states. "In every room configuration -- end-on, or with stage either at right or left such as for the players' awards -- a presenter can roam with a radio mic, even directly underneath a loudspeaker, and there's no risk of feedback." LCFC technical manager Tom Brown agrees: "I'm really pleased with the way the EVs cover the whole of the Walker Hall, it's totally seamless no matter where you are in the room, and the speakers look and sound great!" A further two spaces -- a bar area and a conference room -- are fitted with ZX1i loudspeakers (in white), while a set of EVOLVE 50 portable column speaker systems is always available for special events requiring extra-high SPL and extended bass. "I'm very happy," concludes Grevett. "The acid test for us is when the visiting engineer prefers to use the house system to get a better result -- that speaks volumes!" Electro-Voice equipment used in Walkers Hall includes: eight EVC-1122-VIW 12" variable-intensity loudspeakers (white finish), 16 EVID 6.2 dual 6" loudspeakers, one CPS8.5 8-channel class-D amplifier, and two PA4150L four-channel amplifiers. The bar area Electro-Voice equipment used includes: four ZX1i-90W 8" full-range loudspeakers (white finish) and one PA2450L two-channel amplifier. The Weller conference room Electro-Voice equipment used includes: six ZX1i-90W 8" full range loudspeakers (white finish), 12 EVID 6.2 dual-6" loudspeakers, three PA 4150L four-channel amplifiers, and two EVOLVE 50 portable column speaker systems. dmxproductions.co.uk/ www.lcfc.com 