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Stage Collapses in Mexico, Killing Nine

Several news outlets are reporting a stage accident in Mexico yesterday. At an event near Monterrey featuring the presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez, the stage collapsed, following a gust of wind. Nine people were killed and 121 were injured.

According to The New York Times, "The wind picked up suddenly as candidates were chanting campaign slogans onstage, videos posted to social media showed. As the stage lighting truss slammed to the ground, people rushed off the stage to avoid getting crushed. Others in the crowd ran away screaming, some holding one another in the intense wind."

The Associated Press reports, "Videos of the accident showed Máynez waving his arm as the crowd chanted his name. But then he looked up to see a giant screen and metal structure toppling toward him. He ran rapidly toward the back of the stage to avoid the falling structure, which appeared to consist of relatively light framework pieces as well as what appeared to be a screen with the party's logo and theatre-style lights."

The BBC adds, "The sudden gust of wind came without forewarning. Mr. Maynez said, describing it as an 'atypical' [weather] event. What we experienced happened in just a few seconds: A gale came, a sudden wind, and unfortunately, it collapsed the stage, resulting in a fatal accident," he told reporters at the scene.

A child is reportedly among those dead.

For more information go to:

NYT Monterrey stage collapse

AP Monterrey stage collapse

BBC Monterrey stage collapse

(24 May 2024)

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