Yes Rentals Invests in RobeYes Rentals, based in Tournai, Belgium, is a leading European dry-hire lighting rental specialist. According to the company, Yes is currently enjoying a rapid growth trajectory and feeding a consistent demand by the market for Robe's latest LED / moving lights. Formed in 2011 by Frederic van Durmen, who has 20 years' experience in the lighting rental industry in France and Belgium, Yes is dedicated to delivering the very best service to its clients -- quickly and efficiently, the company says. Yes has made a substantial investment into Robe products since its launch. Van Durmen recognized the potential for Robe's technology, especially after the launch of the latest Robin range of moving lights. The Robin range includes the popular LEDWash series that kicked off with the LEDWash 600, 300, and 1200, followed quickly by the MMX and DLX Spots, the LEDBeam 100, and the latest DLF Wash, and DLS Profile fixtures. "I was hearing more and more lighting designers and operators talking about Robe, how reliable the kit was and how the technology fulfilled their creative needs," explains van Durmen, adding that he was already very familiar with Controllux, Robe's proactive Benelux distributor, and the support network. Currently, Yes Rentals has over 200 Robe moving lights in stock, a quantity which is expected to be doubled shortly. The first purchase -- supplied via Controllux -- was for the LEDWash 600. This was rapidly followed by one for the first LEDWash300s to hit the Belgian rental market, and a steady succession of additional purchases has followed. The Yes hire inventory now has LEDWash 300, 600, and 1200s plus Robin 600E Spots and MMX Spots -- all of which are constantly busy on a diversity of shows including TV productions and events -- and 80% of this currently is in France and specifically, the busy broadcast scene centered in Paris. Regular clients supplied with Robe by Yes Rentals include PRG, LightCo, NAT, Your Event Solutions and Novelty, all of which are busy with an ongoing range of high profile projects. Yes Rentals now has seven full-time employees and is looking forward to another busy year in 2013. "The clients are all very satisfied with the Robes and the demand for well serviced and maintained fixtures continues," concludes van Durmen with a big smile. 