AIDAprima Sails with ClaypakyThe AIDAprima, the latest addition to the AIDA Cruises fleet, was christened in Hamburg on May 7, 2016. The ship has many attractions, like the Beach Club with Caribbean feel for 365 days a year, and the Four Elements area with water slides and climbing walls, not to mention first class entertainment. The choice of lights on board the AIDAprima fell on Claypaky and Lightpower, owing to these companies many years of experience and professional expertise. Marcel Dias Vieira, AIDA Cruises entertainment technology supervisor, explained the basic reasoning behind the lighting choices and why they chose Claypaky moving heads. The lighting rig includes Claypaky Alpha Profile 800 STs, as well as many other MALighting products: a grandMA2 full-size desk, two grandMA2 light consoles, two grandMA2 replay units, and one MA Network Processing Unit (NPU). However the AIDAprima also boasts professional level technology in all other areas, such as the moving stage elements, LED screens, sound system, and ship's TV studio. The effort to achieve the best results can be seen everywhere. Andreas Scholz, lighting operator of the Theatrium, the largest venue on board, is also very enthusiastic about this: "I have sailed on various AIDA ships for ten years now. The nice thing about our business is that we get to work with highly professional equipment. It is not a matter of course and I really appreciate the fact that we are always on the technological cutting-edge, which means everyone can continuously further their own skills and develop professionally. The fact we work very independently on board also contributes to this: we have to find solutions and make decisions on our own if problems occur. There is no office above us, but we support each other as a team. In this way, the work is fun and you learn about the world." 