Chauvet Professional COLORados Shine Through on AC/DC Rock or Bust TourEverything about the AC/DC Rock or Bust tour 2015 is big, from the mega arenas across Europe and North America where the band played, to the fan interest (the group set a world record selling more than 300,000 tickets in 77 minutes at one German venue), to what the company calls "the incredibly beefy lighting design." The Woodroffe Bassett Design rig called on a plethora of high-output discharge lamp moving fixtures, as well as a wide assortment of blinders, video panels, and other fixtures to create an explosive lighting display that flooded even the largest venue with visual delights. A batten fixture that measures 39.3" (998m) can easily be swallowed by this lighting Goliath. However, the company says that clearly -- and colorfully -- wasn't the case with the COLORado Batten 144 Tour from Chauvet Professional. A dozen of the RGBWA LED linear fixtures were used in the rig for the iconic metal band's world tour, positioned in various spots throughout the power-packed stage to provide richly colored eye candy. Even with all the brawny beef in the lighting rig, the COLORado fixture's came shining through, adding an extra visual element to the big and brilliant lighting design. In a statement regarding the AC/DC rig, Woodroffe Bassett Design noted: "The COLORados were used to uplight the AC/DC amp line and were buried in the custom stage used by the band during their tour. They were chosen because they were small and discrete, but still were able to punch through the ambient lighting." For the design team at Chauvet Professional, who developed the COLORado Batten 144 Tour to colorize any stage regardless of ambient brightness, this report was music to the ears. 