Sound Investment A/V Invests in Vista Systems Spyder x20Chicago, Illinois-based Sound Investment A/V has purchased a Vista Systems Spyder x20 image processor for its production inventory. By stepping up to the Spyder, Sound Investment A/V is now equipped with the next level of professional tools that can attract new clients with multi-image needs or offer greater creativity and production efficiencies to existing customers. Parent company Sound Investment, a consulting firm, founded Sound Investment A/V with Peter Vanek in 2000 as a rental and staging company offering sound, video, lighting, scenic, and staging solutions. It has become a provider for the industry both nationally and internationally. "The Spyder is our first Vista Systems product," says Vanek. "We plan to use it for large-format corporate events, such as general sessions featuring multi-screen, multi-projector situations." Vanek says the Spyder was chosen for its "ease of use and flexibility as a system. It can accomplish anything producers might throw at us on the fly. Or we can prebuild a show and be ready to go when we arrive on site. With other systems you have to do all the work once you get to the venue." He also notes that the Spyder was an affordable choice. "The price point is great considering the number of inputs and outputs you get," he reports. Sound Investment A/V already expects the Spyder to experience heavy usage right off the bat. "We have some big projects coming up," Vanek says. "One is a 13-screen show with projection mapping, various projector blends, and multiple outputs. That's typical of how we're going to deploy Spyder. We're really excited about adding it to our inventory." 