Group One and DiGiCo Announce Assistance Program to Help Houses of Worship Affected by Hurricane SandySeeing the destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in the greater Northeast, Long Island, New York-based Group One Limited wanted to find a way to help area houses of worship whose buildings and audio systems were affected by the storm. Group One Limited and Digico came together to create the HOW Helps Program, which leverages the success of its SD5 trade up program whereby US-based venues were offered a substantial credit towards the purchase of a new SD5 with the trade in of any make or model large-format analog or digital desk. With a warehouse full of used analog and digital consoles, Group One decided to offer the desks to houses of worship in need -- at no charge -- instead of decommissioning them. "Being so close to the devastation that has affected our friends, family, and neighbors," says Group One national sales manager Matt Larson. "We saw firsthand the devastation and wanted to find a way to help. It occurred to us that we had an excess of analog and digital consoles collected from our trade up program that could benefit churches that have many daily worries, not only getting their buildings to a usable state, but also in supporting the needs of their local community. We thought that if we could lend a helping hand by donating a mixing console, it was one area in which they would not have to worry while they focus on more important parts of life. Many churches have experienced external as well as internal destruction along with their audio systems destroyed by the storm; others are having to re-allocate funds originally scheduled for audio upgrades to other parts of their budget for building or other repairs and that is where this program can help. At this time, we really are not certain the depth of the need, but would rather repurpose these consoles to a good cause than having them just sitting in a warehouse or ending up in a landfill. We hope in some way we as a company can give back to those in need to get them over the hump until they get back on their feet again." "And as an additional thank you to these churches that always help their community," Larson continues, "Group One would also like to offer the option of trading back the same used console for an additional credit of $11,000-$24,000 towards the purchase of a new SD5 within an 18-month period. So not only are these houses of worship able to get up and running now, they will also have a path to upgrade to the newest technologies and get a nice rebate to help offset the cost." Any affected house of worship can apply by filling out a simple application form and attaching photos of the affected gear and building. For more information and to apply, call 516-249-1399. See Group One at PLASA Focus: Orlando, May 15-16. 