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Full Compass Hosts Steampunk Gala for Madison Ballet

Full Compass Systems recently hosted a Steampunk-themed gala celebrating the 30th anniversary of Madison Ballet. The evening was an over-the-top experience for nearly 200 guests lavishly costumed in Steampunk attire. Those attending enjoyed fantastic appetizers, a specialty cocktail, an extravagant dinner, custom chocolates created exclusively for the event, and live music and dance performances throughout the evening.

Madison Ballet was originally founded in 1981 as The Wisconsin Dance Ensemble. In 1999, the organization expanded to become a traditional ballet company, staging one or more large-scale productions each year. The opening of the School of Madison Ballet in 2005 made available a high-level, comprehensive ballet training program for young dancers and adults in South Central Wisconsin.

Full Compass is well known for philanthropic and charitable giving at the local and national level. The company, supported by the cooperation of employees, friends, and family, donates substantial funds and time each year to several music-oriented and non-profit organizations.

"Since the beginning, Madison Ballet dance performances have enriched the arts in Madison." Full Compass chairman, Susan Lipp, stated, "We are honored to support this organization and the School of Madison Ballet for all the training and personal growth they provide for young dancers in our community."


(16 April 2012)

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