Taronga Zoo Relies on Shure Axient Wireless Management Network for Royal VisitWhen Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia heard that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince George, had included them in their Australian itinerary, they wanted everything to be perfect. Who wouldn't with millions of people watching worldwide? The P.A. People have worked with the zoo for several years providing installation of audio systems, preventative maintenance, and ongoing service. With the Royal visit looming, the zoo contacted the P.A. People to express their concerns about the significant level of media and activity on the harbor, and how this might affect the performance of their radio microphones housed within their bird sanctuary. With the Royals due to partake in the QBE Free Flight Bird Show in front of an international audience, it was critical that the microphones worked flawlessly. "We decided that the Shure Axient Wireless Management Network would be the ideal solution as it is able to provide redundancy and frequency hopping to ensure a line always remains working," explained Dave Wright, technical account manager event communications for the P.A People. Jands arranged for the zoo to secure a demo system for the event, confident that it was the right answer for mission critical delivery in an RF hostile environment such as this. "We were bought in to support in an operational role that day," added Wright. "After training by Jands, we had two staff install the demo system and we operated the system on the day. There were only four wireless microphones used -- two handhelds and two lapels -- which performed flawlessly. It was definitely the correct solution."