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New Products from Robert Juliat at Prolight + Sound 2017

Robert Juliat unveiled new powerful 600W LED followspots, Oz and Alice, at Prolight + Sound 2017.

Robert Juliat was present in classic style in the Lightpower Village at Prolight + Sound 2017 as it presented a line-up of its tungsten and discharge followspots -- Lancelot, Merlin, Cyrano, Victor, and Roxie -- which formed a beautiful backdrop to herald the arrival of Robert Juliat's two new LED followspots, the powerful 600W Oz and Alice.

Long- and short-throw models respectively, Oz and Alice feature an exclusive 600W cool white LED source and are the first professional LED followspots able to deliver a high output comparable with that of 1,200W discharge followspots.

The dynamic pair share the same high-quality functions and characteristics offered by the Robert Juliat classic Compact range. Their compact dimensions and silent operation are coupled with the benefits of no heat, smooth electronic dimming -- locally or remotely via DMX -- and no lamp-change for less maintenance. A digital display, RJ45 connector and USB port are just some of the convenient features that come as standard.

"There is nothing else comparable on the market in terms of output and performance from a powerful LED source," says Robert Juliat managing director, François Juliat. "Oz and Alice are proof that Robert Juliat continues to lead the way in followspot design." Reactions from the visitors to the show confirmed this, according to the company, as visitors agreed that Oz and Alice were the LED followspots they had been waiting for. The significantly increased output of Oz and Alice take RJ's LED followspot technology a step further, extending its application into larger venues and full size theatres, where Oz is the perfect front-of-house spot for LED applications and Alice's compact dimensions and powerful throw make it the ideal truss spot.

In one of the most exciting revelations on the stand, Robert Juliat unveiled SpotMe, an advanced 3D tracking system for their Compact and Grand ranges of followspots, which is designed to shine the light on performers in a smart, progressive way. Very easy to understand, simple to install and use, and extremely cost-effective, SpotMe opens up new creative dimensions for designers.

SpotMe's 3D real-time tracking system turns Robert Juliat followspots into an interactive solution that gives the position of performers on stage without the need for emitters and/or cameras.

Fast and easy to set up, the SpotMe system consists of sensors mounted in the tripod and followspot, and a server which communicates all position and beam size parameters to the lighting console.

The x, y, z positions are transmitted to the console by PosiStageNet (PSN) protocol (available with MA Lighting grandMA2 console). The iris size is also sent by sACN protocol providing information on the target.

All parameters are used by the console to control any automated or static lights, such as footlights, passing through DMX, MA-Net, sACN, and Art-Net data. Any moving lights can therefore also turn into a followspot at any time during a show.

"SpotMe has been designed to be accessible to everyone and all budgets. There is no need for specialist knowledge to set it up or operate it -- it is easy to install and ready to go in a fraction of the time of other tracking systems. And its master and slave technology opens up a whole new range of control options for the designer," says Robert Juliat sales director, Claus Spreyer.

Robert Juliat's Dalis family of luminaires was also on full display as the central feature of the stand, providing perfectly smooth ambient lighting with good skin tones. Robert and Julia, the two stalwart catwalk models, were the perfect foils to show off the full range of Dalis technology as they paraded along a catwalk lined by Dalis 862 Footlights beneath a 12m wide cyclorama lit by award-winning Dalis 860 Cyclorama fixtures.

Two new additions to the Dalis family, Dalis 861 Washlight and Dalis 862S mini-Footlight also made their appearance at the show, pushing the boundaries of what can be done with this award-winning technology with yet more applications. Both were received as clever and useful adaptations of the originals.

Dalis 861 Washlight takes the same technology as the original Dalis Cyclight and reconfigures it into a rectangular format. Its extremely wide beam and perfectly even coverage makes it an ideal solution for side lighting, low-level light for dance applications on stage, and as a short-form cyclorama luminaire when space is at a premium. Dalis 861 is the perfect wash complement to the Dalis range.

Dalis 862S is a new variant of Dalis 862 Footlight. At 50cm in length, Dalis 862S is a shortened version of the original 1m model with all the qualities and functionality of the full size version. Dalis 862S has been created at the request of lighting designers who need precise footlight coverage on curved and non-standard shaped stages where its smaller form factor can be a big advantage in delineating stage edges to perfection.

Robert Juliat's ZEP Fresnel 360LF series and ZEP profile 660SX series were also represented as Robert Juliat presented an extension to the ranges in the form of brand new, variable white versions. The new source exhibits the same bright output as its siblings with a perfect evenness of beam and no hotspots. Ready to ship with immediate effect, the variable white models complement the warm white and cool white versions that have had such success since their launch.


(24 April 2017)

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