PreSonus Loudspeakers Keep the Vibe Upbeat at Fusion 2018 Launched in 2017 by Legacy Church and Crosswalk Church with the goal of helping underprivileged children get the supplies they need for a great start to the upcoming school year, Fusion 2018 was, once again, a roaring success. With the support of both local churches and businesses, this year's event helped address many of the challenges faced by the children in the community to further ensure they get started on the right path. The event was well attended, and the vibe was upbeat and positive. And to ensure both the spoken message and the music was clear and uplifting, loudspeaker technology from the WorxAudio and Air Series catalogs of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. were placed into service. Nipper Sound of Draper, Virginia, a Christian-based company that designs, installs, and supports houses of worship, the live sound, and the commercial hospitality markets, was contracted to provide sound reinforcement for Fusion 2018. Company president Jason L. Nipper, who oversees sales, system design, and implementation of the company's various services, was onsite for this year's event. He discussed the challenges of the project and his reasons for deploying PreSonus loudspeaker technology. "Fusion 2018 took place at Withers Park in Wytheville on July 28th," he reports. "The park is centrally located and serves as the focal point for special events, industrial, and business picnics, and numerous social events. This is a spacious area and the crowd for this year's Fusion event was close to 5,000 people. Given the challenges inherent in outdoor sound reinforcement projects of this size, we elected to use a sizable combination of WorxAudio XL1T-P line array enclosures, TL218SST-P powered super subs, and a combination of AIR12 and AIR15 point source loudspeakers." According to Nipper, he and his team ground stacked a combination of three WorxAudio TL218SST-P subwoofers and four WorxAudio XL1T-P line array enclosures atop the subwoofers. These two stacks were positioned on the left and right front edges of the stage area. On-stage monitoring was handled by a combination of PreSonus AIR12 and AIR15 2-way active point source loudspeakers which, as part of their enclosure design, include angles to facilitate monitor-wedge applications. When queried about those attributes that made the PreSonus WorxAudio and Air Series loudspeakers the ideal choice for this project, Nipper offered the following comments. "Audio quality is first and foremost," he explained, "and in this regard, the WorxAudio XL1 enclosures deliver exceptional speech intelligibility -- making it easy for the people in attendance to clearly hear each and every word. Equally important, these line arrays deliver a very full and rich musical sound and their horizontal dispersion is an industry-leading 160 degrees, so the coverage spans a wide area. With multiple tents, concrete seating, and corporate stations spread out over the listening area, the WorxAudio XL1 loudspeakers enabled us to cover all the areas easily." "For outdoor setups, it's very easy for the sound to dissipate, so low frequency support is crucial," Nipper added. "The WorxAudio TL218SS super subs deliver a massive amount of low frequency sound, and this enables both music and speech to have a much greater presence. I never cease to be impressed with the amount of low frequency 'oomph' these cabinets deliver. I'm equally impressed with the PreSonus Air Series enclosures. These boxes are really versatile, so they make a great choice for stage monitors and they are equally adept for portable PA use." For many professional sound companies, capable and responsive support is crucial because one never knows when a question might arise. In this area, Nipper rates PreSonus' commercial division best in class. "PreSonus' customer support is unparalleled in this industry," he exclaimed. "The entire staff exhibits a genuine interest in their customers and a passion for sound, which goes a long way toward ensuring their customers' success." With Fusion 2018 now in the rear view mirror, Nipper offered these final thoughts about this year's event, "Fusion 2018 provided supplies, haircuts, and more to kids in preparation for back to school and it was really gratifying to be part of this. Throughout the entire day, we received numerous compliments from both the sponsors and attendees. Thanks to the WorxAudio XL1's sound quality and dispersion, the sound coverage throughout the entire area was big, full, and clear. It was very gratifying to see the expressions on the kids' faces and to be part of the energy created by this event. It was a win-win for everyone involved." To learn more about Nipper Sound, send an email to or 