MainStage, LLC Formed Through MergerThe owners and employees of Mainstage Theatrical Supply, Inc., Production Advantage, Inc., and Vincent Lighting Systems, Inc. announce the merger of their respective companies into a new corporation. The new company is now MainStage, LLC. In an official statement, the company said, "This new joint venture will allow each of the forming companies to capitalize on the strengths of each other to deliver a full and comprehensive range of goods and services. Existing customers can maintain the relationships they've come to trust and will gain access to many new offerings. New customers will discover an unparalleled customer experience." The statement continued: "We are well on our way to full integration across company platforms. In the meantime, all of the forming companies are open for business as usual while infrastructure and training is completed. Customers and suppliers will be notified prior to any change in ordering, billing, or purchasing procedures." Ownership and management includes: Paul Vincent, president; Craig Sternke, VP operations; Dean Sternke, VP sales; Penny Camm, marketer emeritus; and David Schraffenberger, VP marketing. Current offices include: Locations: (PAI) Burlington, Vermont, 800.424.9991 (VLS) Cleveland, Ohio, 800.922.5356 (VLS) Cincinnati, Ohio, 800.922.5356 (MTS) Memphis, Tennessee, 800.757.6884 (MTS) Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 800.236.0878 (MTS) Pensacola, Florida, 800.851.3618 (VLS) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 800.922.5356 Sales only: (MTS) Central/South Florida, 737.564.3997 (VLS) Detroit, Michigan, 734.660.8959 (MTS) Houston, Texas, 800.536.4554 (MTS) New Orleans, Louisiana, 800.440.1910 See MainStage, LLC at PLASA Focus: Orlando, May 15-16.