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Safety in Action Stage: "Up in the Air" -- Stage|Set|Scenery Features a Wide Range of Safety Exhibits

Stage|Set|Scenery 2017

Working under suspended loads, stage rigging equipment, and trapeze acts -- at Stage|Set|Scenery the slogan of this year's Safety in Action stage is "Up in the air." From June 20 - 22 the focus at the show will be on safety during productions. "Regardless of how spectacular an aerial stage performance is, one thing must always be guaranteed: the safety of all those involved. This is where meticulous planning is particularly important -- particularly in view of tight schedules and budgets, and event timetable changes at short notice," said Christian A. Buschhoff of xEMP in Berlin, who is an adviser for the Stage|Set|Scenery program of safety events put together by Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG). "Safety officers must always be up-to-date on the latest occupational health and safety measures." With the Safety in Action stage in Hall 22, Stage|Set|Scenery offers visitors a platform where they can exchange views and look at potentially dangerous scenarios and solutions. This is also the first time that stage equipment will be involved.

Fire prevention at events is a big responsibility for any safety officer, which is why in 2019 there will again be a Fire Prevention Dialogue on the first day of the show. The focus of the dialogue will be on testing stage-set materials, which the Association of the Event Industry (IGVW) plans to carry out. The object of these tests is to determine the behavior of flammable materials when subjected to a hand-held blowtorch under specified test conditions. This testing method is used to assess the flammability of materials and material compounds used in event technology (e.g. stage sets) when exposed to sources which can typically ignite them, such as spotlights and pyrotechnics. Furthermore, the test results can be used to gauge the fire behavior (i.e. contribution to a fire) of the materials in question. These methods will be demonstrated live on all three days of the event under real-life testing conditions.

On the second day of the show a panel of experts under the supervision of professor Stephan Rolfes of Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin will discuss Safety Integrity Level (SIL 3). On the basis of its experiences to date the panel will take a look at the future and the prospects that SIL 3 offers.

With the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin and Schule für Artistik, a long-standing partner will be participating in events on the Safety in Action stage again. This year, the focus of Jens Becker's presentation will be on trapeze safety devices. This live presentation will be augmented by a lecture on physiotherapy treatment for artists by Andreas Stommel, a member of the board of tamed Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V.

More Information on Stage|Set|Scenery 2019 can be found at the URL below.


(11 March 2019)

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