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Parasol Wins Live Design Product of the Year Award

On Tuesday evening, May 22, Parasol Advanced Systems of Vancouver, BC, Canada, proudly accepted the Live Design 2011-2012 Product of the Year Award in the Rigging category for the Parasol ACS system. The winning products are chosen by panels of prestigious designers and programmers in the disciplines of lighting, sound, and projection. The awards were presented during a ceremony at the Jerome Robbins Theatre in the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York.

In most live production applications, where moving lights are used, they all have one thing in common; moving lights are almost always bolted or fastened to a fixed truss; they do not move. The Parasol ACS system is an alternate means of moving the source point of a number of automated lighting fixtures along a pre-defined path.

Parasol's unique patented technology allows moving lights, lasers, or cameras to be fixed to moveable carts that glide the lights along a predefined guide way or track. The carts are self-propelled, motorized carts (ParaCarts) that are controlled by wireless technology. The tracks can be any shape that is appropriate for the event, concert, or structure.

Parasol ACS Systems are entirely scalable and can be categorized into three series:
• L Series - Large: for outdoor theme parks, special events, etc. The L series carts are designed for large lighting fixtures such as Syncrolites MX4, SXB-7/3, or XL10's
• M Series - Medium: for indoor theatrical productions, concerts, musical events. M series carts are primarily built for medium weight light fixtures from 80lbs to 120lbs.
• S Series - Small: for discos, dance clubs, showrooms, and cabarets, cruise ship theatres. S series carts are for lights under 80lbs.

Upon acceptance of the award, given by Marian Sandberg, Live Design magazine, Parasol CEO Hermann Fruhm said, "This is a great honor for Parasol and it makes us very happy to know that leading industry professionals are taking note of our technology."


(31 May 2012)

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