Major Brazilian Music Venue Installs Allen & Heath's iLiveA major Brazilian country music venue, Villa Country, has installed an Allen & Heath iLive digital mixing system at front of house. Located in Sao Paulo, the huge club hosts American country music and sertanejo Brazilian country music artists, and has a restaurant and various bars, including a 3,500-capacity room where the iLive system has been installed. The system was spec'd and installed by sound contractor and engineer, Ceara, who evaluated all of the major digital mixers on the market before choosing iLive, selecting an iLive-112 control surface and iDR-48 MixRack. "iLive is so easy to work with, It is ideal for the continual stream of engineers who mix in the venue," Ceara comments. "Plus, the audio quality of the system is second to none, the sound is transparent. As soon as I plugged the system in, I knew immediately it was the one!" Villa Country is looking to invest in further iLive systems in the near future.