Demo of Flying by Foy's Aereographer Planned for PLASA Focus: StamfordVisitors to the Flying by Foy booth 306 at PLASA Focus: Stamford will be treated to a hands-on demonstration of Aereographer -- the world's most advanced design tool for flying automation, according to the company. Aereographer combines a state-of-the-art visualization environment with a real-time physics engine to rapidly create fully-rendered simulations of complex automated flying sequences. Any 3-D flight path can be accurately simulated on any combination of pendulums and tracks before ever setting foot in the theatre. During rehearsals, the flying can be quickly and easily modified -- eliminating the tedious, time-consuming re-cueing delays commonly experienced using conventional programming techniques. The flying simulation then seamlessly connects with Foy's high-speed Pegasus winch systems to run the new sequence with live performers. Flying by Foy's latest innovation represents a revolutionary breakthrough in flying technology that opens whole new avenues of artistic possibilities, the company says. See Flying by Foy at PLASA Focus: Stamford, November 12-13.