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-COVID-19 Update: Broadway Green Alliance Marks 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with Virtual Performances

COVID-19 Update: Broadway Green Alliance Marks 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with Virtual Performances

The Broadway Green Alliance will launch Earth Week by joining the Earth Day Initiative and March for Science NYC for their Earth Day 50 Virtual Kick-Off on Sunday, April 19 from 3:30pm - 10:00pm ET. As part of the special live ...More


-Testing Company Classified ETCP Certified Technicians as Essential Personnel

Testing Company Classified ETCP Certified Technicians as Essential Personnel

Effective immediately, eligible candidates who have received a notification of acceptance from one of the four examinations offered by the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) may begin scheduling appointments at ...More


-COVID-19 Update: #Dontstoptheeducation -- Audio Production for Theatre -- Join a Live Discussion

COVID-19 Update: #Dontstoptheeducation -- Audio Production for Theatre -- Join a Live Discussion

The Sennheiser SoundAcademy's next round-table discussion will be all about theatre sound: On April 21 at 5:00pm CEST, the Sennheiser relationship management team and guest host Jamie Criswell will be joined by leading ...More


-COVID-19 Update: Michael T. Strickland's Statement on Production Companies Road to Recovery

COVID-19 Update: Michael T. Strickland's Statement on Production Companies Road to Recovery

Bandit Lites chair and founder Michael T. Strickland has the following to say regarding the effect on COVID-19 on the live entertainment industry:
"I have been engaged since March 14 with Senators Lamar Alexander and ...


-COVID-19 Update: L-Acoustics Publishes New White Papers, Opens Access to Library of Scientific Articles

COVID-19 Update: L-Acoustics Publishes New White Papers, Opens Access to Library of Scientific Articles

In line with its ongoing commitment to scientific research and the advancement of the audio industry, L-Acoustics announces the release of three new white papers: "Measurement Quality at Low Frequencies," "Measurement Quality at ...More


-High End Systems Featured at 4Wall Vendor Showcase

High End Systems Featured at 4Wall Vendor Showcase

Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21 at 11:15am PST, High End Systems will be live streaming its presentation for 4Wall's Virtual Vendor Showcase. The event will be streamed on 4Wall's Facebook page and also on the High End Systems ...More


-Morning Radio Host Adds Pop to Online Drumming Lessons with Chauvet Professional

Morning Radio Host Adds Pop to Online Drumming Lessons with Chauvet Professional

Dave Kallaway loves funk music. It doesn't matter whether he's playing it as the morning host on hit music 99.5 WIFC, or banging it out on his own five-piece drum set. The central Wisconsin native has been an enthusiastic drummer ...More


-COVID-19 Update: Create, Connect, and Win Microphones in the Lewitt Music Challenge Featuring AVEC

COVID-19 Update: Create, Connect, and Win Microphones in the Lewitt Music Challenge Featuring AVEC

"Lewitt believes that even when people must stay apart, music will always bring us together, and now the Austrian microphone pioneer has teamed up with folk-pop star AVEC to prove that you don't have to be in the same room to make ...More


-Studio Gear Installs Robert Juliat LED followspots in Milwaukee Venues

Studio Gear Installs Robert Juliat LED followspots in Milwaukee Venues

Studio Gear of Milwaukee, Wisconsin has been providing top level audio-visual and lighting equipment rentals, production services, and sales to its customers throughout the United States for over 30 years. The company is a great ...More


-Verge Aero Lights Up the Skies for Mexico's Greatest Carnival

Verge Aero Lights Up the Skies for Mexico's Greatest Carnival

Verge Aero, the specialist in high performance drone light shows, recently added a brand-new dimension to Mexico's biggest and oldest carnival. A 130-drone display, in the skies above Mazatlán's Olas Altas bay, delivered a ...More


-COVID-19 Update: #lightuniteaus Unites a Nation

COVID-19 Update: #lightuniteaus Unites a Nation

On Wednesday, April 15th, Australia was lit up in support of those fighting the COVID-19 global pandemic whiet also drawing attention to the plight of the country's entertainment industry.
As elsewhere in the world, the Australian live ...


-Korey Pereira Equips Soularity Sound for Immersive Audio with JBL Professional Dolby Atmos System

Korey Pereira Equips Soularity Sound for Immersive Audio with JBL Professional Dolby Atmos System

Post-production mixer and sound designer Korey Pereira recently upgraded his studio, Soularity Sound, with a Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 monitoring system featuring JBL Professional and Crown solutions, enabling him to ...More


-COVID-19 Update, April 20, 2020: It's the Testing, Stupid.

COVID-19 Update, April 20, 2020: It's the Testing, Stupid.

Good morning. The fifth week of lockdown begins.
A deal is near in Congress for more small business aid that includes money for hospitals and testing: tinyurl.com/yboz2p85. Of course, the ...


-COVID-19 Update: April 17, 2020: Call Your Own Shots

COVID-19 Update: April 17, 2020: Call Your Own Shots

Good morning.
The death toll in the US reaches a new high: tinyurl.com/yabejljv. The President tells governors to decide for themselves to reopen, a right that already belonged to them; he ...


-Behind the Scenes Launches Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder

Behind the Scenes Launches Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder

The Behind the Scenes Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative, in partnership with HelpPRO, announces the launch of the Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder btshelp ...More


-Nominations Announced for Eliot Norton Awards

Nominations Announced for Eliot Norton Awards

The nominations for the Eliot Norton Awards, which honor achievement in the Boston-area theatre scene, have been announced. Leading the nominations, each with seven nods are Moby-Dick, a new musical by Dave Malloy based on ...More


-COVID-19 Update: Drape Kings Transitions from Events to COVID 19 Response

COVID-19 Update: Drape Kings Transitions from Events to COVID 19 Response

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Drape Kings was one of the first vendors to provide critical support to their local area by delivering drape and building temporary field hospitals in both Queens and Brooklyn, New York. ...More


-Robe for First Delivered Live Shows

Robe for First Delivered Live Shows

Delivered Live is a vibrant weekly music and comedy performance concept streamed live-and-direct from Melbourne, Australia, the result of a dynamic collaboration between Handshake Management, rental and production company ...More


-Webinars on Outline Newton Get Under Way

Webinars on Outline Newton Get Under Way

Outline announces the launch of a series of free webinars in English focused on some of its most representative (patented or patent pending) technology, in the context of sound reinforcement and the signal processing world. ...More


-COVID-19 Update: April 16, 2020: The Long Haul

COVID-19 Update: April 16, 2020: The Long Haul

Good morning. Twenty-two million Americans have applied for unemployment in the last four weeks: tinyurl.com/y86u5hj8.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says no concert or sporting ...



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