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-ALD Awards for Excellence 2020 Have Been Rescheduled to Start Imminently

ALD Awards for Excellence 2020 Have Been Rescheduled to Start Imminently

Always backing ambition, the ALD has announced that its ALD Awards for Excellence, aimed at all UK-based students and recent graduates, will launch imminently, to offer an exciting, additional focus for students. The ALD Awards ...More


-AES Progressing Towards Fundraising Goals

AES Progressing Towards Fundraising Goals

The Audio Engineering Society has raised more than $159,000 USD since the launch of its COVID-19 pandemic-driven fundraising campaign in mid-April with a goal of raising $500,000 by June 1. More than 170 individuals, making ...More


-Leviton GreenMAX DRC Room Control Systems Wins a 2020 EC&M Product of the Year Award

Leviton GreenMAX DRC Room Control Systems Wins a 2020 EC&M Product of the Year Award

Leviton announces its GreenMAX DRC Room Control System won the 2020 EC&M Product of the Year Award in the Lighting Controls Category. GreenMAX DRC provides a secure, simple, and scalable distributed control system that can ...More


-Immanuel Baptist Church's Community Center Uses Danley SH50 Loudspeakers to Help Tame Acoustics

Immanuel Baptist Church's Community Center Uses Danley SH50 Loudspeakers to Help Tame Acoustics

Immanuel Baptist Church has been serving Little Rock, Arkansas for 125 years, and it recently upped its commitment with the creation of "City Center." City Center is a community center with an 800-person capacity venue, classrooms, ...More


-George Prince III Turns to Point Source Audio for his Essential Tool

George Prince III Turns to Point Source Audio for his Essential Tool

Emmy Award-winning camera operator George Prince III has worked on his fair share of high-profile events. With credits including the Oscars, American Idol, and the Super Bowl, plus a whole host more, he has proven himself ...More


-Supergrass Returns to Touring with Brit Row

Supergrass Returns to Touring with Brit Row

More than 25 years after the group unapologetically catapulted into the UK charts, and 10 since disbanding to produce solo material, much-loved British rockers Supergrass returned to touring with audio rental house Britannia Row ...More


-COVID-19 Update, May 11, 2020: The White House Virus

COVID-19 Update, May 11, 2020: The White House Virus

Welcome to the eighth week.
The president wants the country to reopen, but even the White House isn't safe from the coronavirus: tinyurl.com/ydf7vwn7.
Even as most states begin reopening ...


-COVID-19 Update, May 8, 2020: These Numbers Are Huge

COVID-19 Update, May 8, 2020: These Numbers Are Huge

Happy V-E Day; the world is short on victories at the moment.
The so-called greatest economy in US history is officially over. The new unemployment numbers are the worst since the Great Depression: ...


-#DontStopTheEducation: Sennheiser Hosts Round Table Featuring Leading Women in Pro Audio

#DontStopTheEducation: Sennheiser Hosts Round Table Featuring Leading Women in Pro Audio

On May 12 at 11:00am ET, Sennheiser's expert round table will see leading women from the pro audio and touring industry join Sennheiser hosts Jessica Dabbs and Tim Moore. Loreen Bohannon, Rachel "MrSoundlady" ...More


-Bethany Church Projects Warmth in Livestream Services with Chauvet Professional

Bethany Church Projects Warmth in Livestream Services with Chauvet Professional

At the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, Bethany Church published three "Quarantine Goals" on its Facebook page. Like the three large white crosses that tower over its spacious grounds, the church's rock-solid statement left no doubt about ...More


-dB Audio Namibia Keep Staff Safe During Lockdown

dB Audio Namibia Keep Staff Safe During Lockdown

With more than a third of the world's population on lockdown as countries implement measures to slow the spread of Covid-19, priorities are being thrown into sharp focus.
In Windhoek, Namibia, technical production and rental company dB ...


-Bandit Lites World Headquarters Revamped as Sales and Installation Facility

Bandit Lites World Headquarters Revamped as Sales and Installation Facility

Due to enormous growth of Bandit Lites Sales and Installation projects, the lighting leader's world headquarters in Knoxville was recently revamped as a sales facility with a renovated conference room, updated warehouse, and ...More


-Utah's Preeminent Recording Facility Funk Studios Acquires Solid State Logic Duality

Utah's Preeminent Recording Facility Funk Studios Acquires Solid State Logic Duality

Veteran composer and songwriter Jim Funk was considering a number of mixing console options for Studio A at his newly built Funk Studios in Utah when he started talking with Phill Scholes, Solid State Logic's Los ...More


-COVID-19 Update, May 7, 2020: What, Me Worry?

COVID-19 Update, May 7, 2020: What, Me Worry?

3.2 million more Americans apply for unemployment, bringing the total to 33 million: tinyurl.com/yb24w59y.
But the president wants to move on: tinyurl ...


-Alcons Audio Opens Pro-Ribbon Webinars to the Public

Alcons Audio Opens Pro-Ribbon Webinars to the Public

Alcons Audio presents a new series of online educational sessions, featuring industry icons and special guests, beginning May 12, 2020. Whether specializing in touring/production, installation, or cinema, this series will delve into ...More


-Global Make Music Day to Go Virtual This Year

Global Make Music Day to Go Virtual This Year

Make Music Day, the worldwide music celebration held each June 21, the summer solstice, is going virtual this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizers announce. Typically featuring over 5,000 free outdoor concerts, performances, ...More


-NAB Show Express to Feature Conversation with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

NAB Show Express to Feature Conversation with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai and National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) president and CEO Gordon Smith will participate in a keynote conversation Wednesday, May 13 during the NAB Show ...More


-MixWizard Sessions Spell Success for Allen & Heath

MixWizard Sessions Spell Success for Allen & Heath

With a CV that spans everything from rock and roll to opera, Andrew Crawford (aka The MixWizard) has been revealing his mixing secrets to a global YouTube audience through his MixWizard Sessions. ...More


-Shure Donates $79,000 Worth of Earphones to Chicago Public School Students and Teachers for Online Learning

Shure Donates $79,000 Worth of Earphones to Chicago Public School Students and Teachers for Online Learning

As students and teachers continue with their transition to online learning, ensuring the right tools to learn from home can be a challenge. Shure, a global audio equipment leader, has stepped up to help its neighbors by donating ...More


-ADJ House Party Contest Offers Prizes for Creative Lighting at Home

ADJ House Party Contest Offers Prizes for Creative Lighting at Home

As "safe home, safe stay" remains the mantra for much of the world during the coronavirus pandemic, ADJ is hoping to do its part to inject a little fun into social distancing. Through its new ADJ House Party Contest, the company is ...More



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