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LightingDimming Systems Film/TV Lighting Lamps & Lighting Accessories Lighting Design Stands & Accessories


10768 Lower Azusa Road, El Monte, CA 91731, USA



Gary Thomas , National Sales Manager
Amanda McGinnis, International Account Manager

Videssence has consistently brought you more innovative and efficient products. Our fluorescent fixtures are environmentally friendly, with low wattage consumption, cool operation, powder-coat finish and lamps that are totally recyclable and last 10,000 hours.

Recent Projects:
CNN London CNN Spain FOX-Portland Econolite Anaheim CCTV China CBS News ABC News Universal Studios Walt Disney World Standford University Vietnam TV KLAS TV KYW TV Michigan State University Paramount Pictures New York Stock Exchange KITV Honolulu Basketball Hall of Fame Scottish Television US Secret Services Quantico Sirius Radio - Howard Stern Smithsonian Institute The Art Institute The People Channel The Weather Channel Time Warner Cable Trinidad Publishing Trinity Broadcasting Network Trinity Television TV Food Network CNN Turner Broadcasting ESPN Americas Cup Fox Sports Hewlett Packard Honeywell JFK Space Center/NASA Radio E Televisao Brazil NASDAQ Lower Merion Township TV.

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