Other Effects Architectural Lighting Consoles, Desks, Controllers Decorative Lighting Retail & Display Lighting Jesco LED/ Jesco Lighting Group234 West 30th Street, New York City, NY 10001, USA Contacts John Nadon, Business Development Manager Profile: Jesco Lighting Group is a manufacturer of a wide variety of lighting products, including advanced technology LED's for display and architectural lighting. Jesco products include track and recessed downlights using incandescent, compact fluorescent, metal halide and LED lamps, display lighting fluorescent and LED strips, outdoor LED strips and wall washes, architectural recessed and pendant fluorescent types and sconses, and a wide variety of decorative forms for ceiling, wall, floor, and table mount, Recent Projects: Jesco sells its products through distributors across the United States. Its products can be seen in private residences, stores, and offices as well as in national store and hotel chains. Accreditations: Jesco has mopst recentkly received major award recognition for its decorative lighting types and its new LED Track and submersible LED types.
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