Academic Institution Eastern Illinois UniversityDept. of Theatre Arts, 600 Lincoln Ave, Charleston, IL 61920, USA Contacts David Wolski, Professor/Lighting/Scenic Designer Profile: Eastern Illinois University's Department of Theatre Arts is a vital component of the exciting and growing arts community on campus. Its diverse faculty is well-trained in all areas of theatre study. The theatre arts major at Eastern offers a broad-based curriculum designed for the undergraduate student. The department offers courses centering on history and literature, performance and technical theatre studies. Students majoring in theatre arts receive either a bachelor of arts degree in theatre arts or a bachelor of arts degree in theatre arts with teacher certification. There is also a theatre arts honors program and a well-structured theatre arts minor. Recent Projects: Urinetown, The Musical Translations An Evening of Student-Directed One Acts Tartuffe Noises Off Accreditations: NAST accredited
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